Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The Great "Irish Eyes" Fire of 2007
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8:13 PM
Labels: Great Fire of 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
When Will Kermit Be Here?

Posted by
11:25 AM
Labels: Frogs
Friday, March 23, 2007
What is a Meme and Other Questions
Some of this blog jargon is foreign to me. What is a "meme"? There are other words I have seen which I can't remember now. Do I need a blog dictionary?
Pursuant to my last post, the "business with friend" issue has been settled. Not as fairly (by far) as I would have handled it if the shoe were on the other foot. But she has always been a very good friend and I would hate to lose her over this, so I will be the better person and bite the bullet.
Oh! I want to share with you an experience I had today at my dermatologist appointment. I have been going to this doctor for maybe five years. It all started yesterday when I drove an hour to the appointment which turned out to be today! I elected to return today rather than wait another hour for him to fit me into the schedule yesterday. When I signed in, they gave me a form to fill in to provide my credit card information which they said would be kept on file to bill the patient for the visit (following any credit from an insurance company). This just hit me the wrong way. I said I would not give them the information. They refused to allow me to see the doctor. I asked. I insisted. I demanded. My voice rose. They said the doctor would not see anyone who did not provide the information. I demanded again. Yes, I got a little nasty. They absolutely were refusing to even let me speak to the doctor. Finally (after it was obvious that I wasn't leaving), they gave in and I had my visit with him. He patiently explained his policy of not doing any billing in the future and it would all be handled this way. He took a lot of time to explain his theory, experiences, blah, blah, blah. I told him I disagreed with his policy, but respected that it was his office to run as he chose. He apologized for his front desk staff and I will probably return for my next three month appointment, with credit card in hand. Why, when I disagree so strongly on principle? Well, I have a serious and rare type of psoriasis on my fingers and he has been used to treating me for so long now, that I would hate to start over with a new doctor. He is an hour away, but I fired my last dermatologist who had an office close to home because he was a true nut case.
What is it with me and doctors? Has anyone had a doctor who wanted to keep their cc card number on file?
Posted by
9:32 PM
Labels: Doctors
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
"The Pleasing Hour" by Lily King
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8:30 PM
Labels: "The Pleasing Hour"
Friday, March 16, 2007
"Have no friends not equal to yourself." Confucius
I have been totally annoyed lately about a business issue. Hint: Never get involved in business ventures with a friend. A friend and I, along with another person, formed a partnership. We decided to dissolve this partnership a few days ago and the friend was surprised that I expected $ that resulted from a sale that occurred while we were partners. Anyway, I would have paid the $ to the other party, without question. Hence, the quote from Confucius. The friendship will continue, but live and learn.
What a miserable day today. Windy, chilly, rainy. A good day to stay inside with a book which is what I have done so far, along with reading other people's blogs. I think I need to go eat some chocolate.
Posted by
12:51 PM
Labels: Business
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Violetlady At Home Today
Posted by
6:18 PM
Labels: Bandstand
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Bad Things in Blog World
Did anyone realize that if you click on "Next Blog" that you will randomly come to porn sites? I was pretty disgusted. I had read some AOL blogs and the same thing was there. I, of course, heard about all this, but when I saw it I was really grossed out. All the more reason to watch our children like hawks when they are online.
Posted by
6:20 PM
Labels: Bad Blogs
Saturday, March 10, 2007
"A ministering angel shall my sister be." William Shakespeare, 'Hamlet'
Here is my sister and me several years ago when we took our first vacation together since we were children. I discovered then that my sister is more than a sister. She is my best friend. Only a sister knows you inside out, your shared history, your happiness and sorrow, and who shot the peas across the dining room table and who got blamed for it.
Posted by
10:03 PM
Labels: Sisters

Posted by
9:49 PM
Labels: Totem at the Beach
Friday, March 09, 2007
No More Snow
Well, the snow is mostly gone. There are still some patches here and there, but the temp should go up to 40's today so I guess that will be it. I took my poodle for his walk last night. The remaining snow was positively luminescent. Why does it seem quieter at night than during the day? Same ambient noise, but everything is........quiet.
I am still reading 'Kitchen Confidential'. Haven't been spending as much time reading for the last few days. I went on our online service for the local library and put several books on hold to pick up. I better get back into the reading groove! If only my job were to read. I know I should have been an editor.
Well, that's it for now.
Happy Trails! (I like to say this because Roy Rogers and Dale Evans sang it and I am a closet cowgirl.)
Posted by
10:32 AM
Labels: no more snow
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
I am so happy -- we have snow. Probably the last we will see this winter. We have a few inches. I tried to take a picture of it, but the digital camera's batteries are dead. There is the cutest birds nest, now vacant of course, coated with snow in a tree in our yard. Too bad I can't get a picture of it unless I find some batteries. Actually, I love bird's nests. Sometimes I think of saving them, but then I worry about bird diseases, etc. Can they be brought into the house?
Posted by
2:52 PM
Questions.... and answers
QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS borrowed from Tonja's blog Gatherings . I saw this on Lynne's blog and checked it out and am now borrowing it from Lynne through Tonja. Yea, Tonja!
1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be?
A log cabin in the mountains overlooking a lake.
2.What is your favorite article of clothing?
3. Last C.D. you bought?
Old Johnny Mathis hits.
4. Where is your favorite place to be?
In a lake cottage I rent sometimes in New Hampshire.
5. Least favorite place to be?
In a crowd of noisy people.
6. Are you strongest in mind or body?
7. What time do you wake up?
Without an alarm, around 9:00
8. Favorite kitchen appliance?
9. What instrument would you like to play?
10. Favorite color?
11. Sports car or SUV?
Sports Car -- not that I have one, but I would like one.
12. Favorite children's book?
One I remember from childhood - "Elin's Amerika" by Marguerite DeAngeli.
13. Favorite season?
Toss up between autumn and spring.
14. Least favorite chore?
Anything related to cleaning, but especially the bathrooms.
15. Favorite day?
16. Favorite food.?
Spaghetti and meatballs
17. Favorite drink?
Diet Pepsi
18. Favorite word?
Serendipity - like Tonja. I wouldn't have been able to think of one - but when I saw this word, I thought "I love that word, too" and I use it often.
19. Favorite inspirational book?
I don't think I usually read inspirational books, unless they are inspirational novels, but I guess it would be the biggie -- The Bible
20. Who would you like to play you in the movie of your life?
Sharon Stone
Posted by
1:28 PM
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
"All The News That's Fit To Print"
The older I get it seems the more limited (or discriminating) my television choices are. History channel, PBS, Travel, Food Network and my all time favorite -- TBS for the old, old movies -- preferably black and white. I know people who are hooked on Desperate Housewives or Grey's Anatomy -- never watched them. BUT, I do watch Gunsmoke and Andy Griffith Show. Question: There is/was a show called The OC. What was The OC anyway? What did OC stand for?
Well, this is my post for today,
Happy Trails!!
Posted by
2:57 PM
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Oui, Paris c'est magnifique!
Here is a blog I discovered while searching for something from Paris (my favorite place). It is interesting -- there is a place where you can go in and sign up to send a photo a day from your city/town. Haven't tried it yet, but looks interesting
Posted by
9:51 PM
Do I Still Want To Blog?
Posted by
10:16 AM