Did anyone read in the news about the 78 year old man who was run over by a car in Hartford, CT and NO ONE stopped. Not just the driver, but not even any bystanders. They just stood there and watched or walked by without doing anything. There he was -- lying in the street -- injured -- in pain -- NO ONE did anything. Someone on a scooter even circled around him to look at him and then drove away. Police assisted because they had been on another call and happened upon the accident. It was not known if anyone called 911.
What in the name of God was wrong with those people who witnessed this?
As I read the article, however, I stopped to consider all the people who DO stop to assist people. But this is Delaware. Maybe things are better here.
A Cold Cold Friday
22 hours ago
What a horrible thing to happen. I can not even comprehend how I would sleep at night if I reacted so coldly to someone that was injured.
This world is on a fast down hill spiral and going to Hell in a handbasket (as my dad used to say).
A hope the poor dear survived.
I read this article too and was shocked. I guess in this lawsuit-filing society, people are afraid to help another person for fear of doing something wrong and being held liable.
But this was absurd. To just stand there - or even worse to ride by and then leave. How could they live with themselves?
As a nurse, I would feel a need to help. As a human, I would feel the same need. What's wrong with people?
We'd stop to help a dog! Why not a man??! That is so very sad.
It's disgusting.
Good Morning Tina...I saw this on the news and I found it very disturbing. I would have thought someone would have at least tried to comfort him and let him know help was on the way. I know I would have. What ever happened to "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you".....Linda
Hello, I have been reading your lovely blog the last few days. That piece on the news brought me to tears - what's going on in this world? It just makes me shake my head in shame at how mankind treat each other. It also made the news in the UK and my family asked me if I had heard of it. So I hope the bystanders and drivers are ashamed of their worldwide attention.
How timely for you put this post up. It has just sickened me to watch the video of this poor man laying in the road and people are standing on the sidewalk doing nothing! Where is the humanity?? I cannot believe that this many people can be ignorant and unfeeling. I would run over to him and I would say all the people that commented on your blog including you would. Why not them? Just sad,sad, sad.
I did not catch this on the news, but cannot imagine standing by when someone was injured. The only thing I can hope is that these people will be shamed. Unfortunatly this type of behavior is not new, how many years ago was it when Kitty??? was stabbed to death. People looked out windows, etc but not one came forward. We just need to keep speaking out and holding this type of behavior up as horrible. I think there should be charges brought against those who did not lift a finger. Barbara
Truly unbelievable!! I'm glad not everyone is like that.
You know the more I thought about this the more I seem to remember that in most states they have a law that is called the good samaritan law. I could be mistaken about this though, but it sure seems as if I read it someplace.
If you get a moment today you might want to turn on your printer and stop by.... I posted that recipe you wanted.
Have a great day.
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