Where have I been you ask? Well, maybe you haven't, but in case you have wondered -- I am still here.
I drove up to Pennsylvania on Thursday to visit my sister and came back on Friday. Thursday night I was fortunate enough to be included in a belated birthday dinner that her friend gives her every year. Linda's birthday is actually in December, but they never get around to it for months later. I have never attended one before and it is pretty special. Why, you ask? Because the menu is home-cooked Italian ravioli!! Linda's friend's mother makes over 300 ravioli twice a year for Christmas and Easter. She freezes some and that is what we had for dinner with the good Italian tomato sauce (or gravy as the Italians call it) which has pork and sausage in it. Believe me. You would think you had died and gone to heaven - it is that good. I am changing my recipe for sauce and will make it this way instead:
Canned crushed tomatoes
Canned whole tomatoes
Fresh chopped garlic sauteed in olive oil (with browned sausage links and/or pork roast optional)
Fresh basil
Grated locatelli cheese
I will add some red wine and red pepper flakes also because I always put that in my sauce.
The ravioli are made by hand and are stuffed with shredded pork, egg and grated cheese. I don't think I will attempt these, but they are truly delicious.
Linda and I had a great day and a half together. We both love old 5&10's (which are almost non-existent now) and she took me to one that dated back to 1912 and still had a soda fountain. Unfortunately, the store was on its "last legs", but it was fun to eat at the soda fountain and peruse the store goods. We also visited an antiques store and a Mennonite thrift store and had breakfast at a diner (which we both love to do also). I came home loaded with more "stuff." You never know what you will find!
One of my purposes in going to visit my sister was so that we could both go to Mom and Dad's grave to plant some flowers. We never did get there, but I am sure they won't mind - especially if Mom knows we were at an antiques store. We will go to the cemetery when I am up there again next month.
Yesterday I had a wedding to attend (with another one next Saturday). It was held at a local winery. Beautiful bride, handsome groom, elegant and delicious cake -- what more could you want?
Tonight we will attend a Passover seder at a friend's house. I have never been to one so it should be interesting (and delicious!).
Hope you are having a beautiful Sunday dear bloggers!

You had a great time with Linda! I love to put meat in my gravy - it makes it sweeter.
What 5&10 did you go to? I didn't know there were still any around. And what diner?
I wish I could have arranged to get up there for the reunion. I miss seeing you. Tell Linda I said hi.
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. There seems to be a lot of that going around.
I know how wonderful that Italian food is. Nearly all of my friends were Italian as I was growing up and Sunday dinners at their houses was such a treat. We used to raid the fridge days later and eat all of that stuff cold and it was STILL GOOD..
Happy belated Birthday to your sis.
It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your sister. How nice that you could be together and do "sister stuff". The Italian dinner sounds divine. Those Italians sure know how to cook, right? My best friend's mom gave me her recipe for meatballs years ago and it calls for locatelli cheese. Now, my family won't eat them any other way.
It sounds like you had a great time. Being with your sibs is always special.
Wow, your tomato sauce sounds wonderful and very similar to my Great Grandmother's recipe!!! (straight from Sicily!)
I would have loved the five and dime with the soda fountain...are they still in PA????
Hi Tina, sounds like you have a great visit with your sis. I love 5&10's too. Sadly there are none in my area...but I remember them. I loved wandering up and down the aisles choosing a small treat and then having a chocolate soda at the counter. Linda
I'm going to have to try out your tomato sauce recipe - it sounds delicious!
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