Monday, September 03, 2007


My husband and I took Beau with us and went to the local farmers' market on Saturday morning. The cool bike is one that was being raffled off and, unfortunately, I did not win it. Look at the hippy van -- it is so totally me. The gentleman comes every week with a guest chicken or rooster and if you get there early enough he has wonderful colored guinea fowl eggs for sale. He is a wealth of information for anyone who wants to raise some chickens. I wish I could. I am sure it would be a no-no in my community.
This week there were some plein air artists on site displaying their artistic techniques. What talent. The window filled with lovely things is the museum shop. The market is held on the grounds of the historical society.
We had a lovely three day weekend holiday and I hope you all did, too. Tonight we had dinner with friends who just returned from a three week trip to France (a week of which was on a river boat). I am so jealous. Abbie brought me back a photo she had taken of Edith Piaf's grave at the famous cemetery in Paris where so many well-known people are buried (Oscar Wilde, Simone Signoret, Chopin, Jim Morrison, etc.) Edith Piaf is a favorite of mine.
Bon soir, everyone!


kookie said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend, and I'm so glad for you. If I ever go to Paris, I'm going to look up that cemetery. Seems really interesting.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you and Ken had a nice weekend. We didn't do a thing here. I need to get a life!

Your hair is getting longer - looks pretty. Are you letting it grow again?

Unknown said...

Why didn't we find that cemetery when we were there? I finally figured I can post messages using Dale's laptop...go figure!

kris said...

Nice weekend! Did you see "La Vie en Rose"? (I think that's the title) I missed it in the theatre, but have it on my list at Netflix. I take French classes and my classmate received one of Edith Piaf's cd's for Christmas. Simply lovely to hear her - and to hear our teacher (who is from France) sing along with it!