Tristi at Tristi Pinkston, LDS Author sent me this book and asked me to join a virtual book review tour.
The author, Stacy Gooch-Anderson lives in Salt Lake City with her husband and four sons. An award winning journalist and public speaker, she began her career at eighteen when she "found her voice" and began to share her ability to tell inspiring stories.
Gooch-Anderson's writing is generally real and crisp, albeit some descriptive elements and dialogue could be tightened. The author tells her story by including anecdotal Bible passages and interpretations which are understandable and inspiring. For those who are not readers of the Bible, The Santa Letters is unintimidating and friendly in its approach.
The story begins with Emma who has been left a widow and mother of four children after the death on Christmas Eve one year ago of her beloved husband William. For a year she has suffered through the grieving process while trying to keep her family afloat, both financially and spiritually. With Christmas looming ahead of the family, Emma wonders how she will ever provide the children with any Christmas gifts or spirit. Surprise, surprise! Letters and packages signed "Santa" begin arriving every day from a mysterious person. With each missive, hope for this family is ever closer.
This little book is elegant in its simplicity. Keep it on your bookshelf to take down during the Christmas season. Its inspiring story is a classic.
Thank you, Tristi, for inviting me to be a part of this virtual book tour. It was fun!

This is the second review of this book that I've come across this morning. It sounds like a book I need to locate and read.
Thanks for this great review, VioletLady!
I'm always looking for new Christmas books. I'll have to find this one for this year.
Thank you for the warm and honest review! It means the world to me that you would take the time to be a part of this tour and share your thoughts on the story...
All my best,
Very nice review, you may have a career. I truly hope that you have a section somewhere on your puter where you have started writing a book. Remember the longest journey starts with one step.
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Enjoy your day, Barbara
I was interested in this book. My mother's maiden name was Gooch. It is not a common name, so it caught my eye.
What a great job you did with this review. I'm very interested in reading this book and am going to check at the library to see if they have it.
Sorry it's been so long since I've had time to visit. It's been a busy summer. Still working on renovations.
Blessings for a happy autumn.
I have read this book and it is absolutely wonderful. I still have it and plan on reading it again closer to Christmas. I don't often read books twice, so it has to be one that I thoroughly enjoyed.
Love your picture of the day below.
I enjoyed this book, too. It's such a sweet and tender story.
I'll have to look for this book. It sounds great, Violet Lady. And I see that the author commented on your review! How exciting! ;o)
Happy new week!
Love and hugs,
Hi Sweet Violet!
Sounds like a very interesting book! I'll have to check for it at the library. Hope all is well with you and you don't have any mushrooms popping up anywhere!!
Thank you very much for sharing. Through your blog, a lot of people including me of course
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