Saturday, November 22, 2008


Today is the big day. Two years from now I will be eligible for Medicare. Whoopee.

Two of my friends and I celebrate our birthdays together. We have a tiara that we share and we go out to dinner at a nice restaurant and bring our own cake and give the birthday girl presents. I always look forward to these events - good food, girl talk and lots of laughing. The group at one time had five people, but it is now just us three old bags. Ha, ha. We are all the same age which is part of the fun. Here is a picture of the three of us - I am the one with her eyes closed and wearing the tiara.


Anonymous said...

And you're still as pretty as you were back at UMHS!

Wish I could be there to celebrate your birthday with you.

The tiara still looks great!

Willow said...

Happy Birthday to you! I'm right behind you...

Literary Feline said...

Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.

Southern Comfort said...

Congratulations-Happy Birthday, mine is coming up in 2 weeks. Enjoy your week and your Thanksgiving holiday.

Jess said...

Happy Belated Bday... and I enjoyed the pic of you..nice to put a face with the blog and name..

Have a great thanksgiving.

Love, Jess

Linda said...

Happy Birthday! What a great picture and I love the tiara...hugs, Linda

BClark said...

Well Happy Belated Birthday, I know it was happy!! Very super to have good friends to spend special times with.

I will post my pizza recipe in the next couple of days. It is pretty easy and I am very proud of myself for mastering it.

Mountain Mama said...

Happy Birthday. It's great that you can celebrate with friends. Your tiara is pretty and you sparkle too.

Nan said...

Sorry, I'm late, but happy, happy birthday!!