Saturday, April 24, 2010


I have been trying to write this post for a day or so and am finally feeling like I have the strength to put thoughts into words and onto the keyboard.

We lost our dear Beau on Monday night.  I was away as you know and Ken was walking Beau down our street for Beau's evening constitutional.  Beau was always a little eccentric, shall we say, and one thing he hated in his neighborhood was trucks of any kind -- big or small.  He would bark, he would lunge, and sometimes it took all my strength to hold back his 17 pounds from his effort to get at a truck's moving wheels.  I warned him time after time.  This time, he lost the battle.  The leash either broke or slipped from my husband's hands.  It was over in an instant.  I flew home the next morning. 

Everything has just been awful here at home.  The house is empty and quiet and sad. (We also lost our old Violette cat two weeks ago).   Beau was a great little barker and he guarded his street with a vengeance.  I was home a lot and Beau was always within my sight or at my side.  Almost everything I did was linked to him in some way. 

We have had so many wonderful e-mails, Facebook comments, phone calls, cards and gifts that it has astounded me.  I am so touched and so grateful.

Not a day goes by that Ken and I don't cry over our little guy.  I know it will get better, but for now the pain is visceral.

One of our blogging friends, Barbara at The Clark Homestead, said this:  "What a little warrior, now he will be in Valhalla with the other brave souls."  That says it all.



Anonymous said...

Tina, I know this time must be so hard for you and Ken. Not a day goes by that Dom and I don't think of Teddy. It's been 9 months since we lost him, and we still miss him. It does get a little easier with time, but you'll never fully get used to him not being there.

Our pets are members of our families, and we grieve over them as we would a human family member.

{{Hugs}} to you and Ken.


The Tablescaper said...

Oh my dear how my heart goes out to you. I have two wonderful fluffy ones and cannot imagine life without them. Their love is so unconditional. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this terrible time.

- The Tablescaper

Willow said...

I'm so very sorry! Beau was truly a valiant (and handsome!) guy! I hope you will be comforted. When my friend's beloved Waverly died, they created a special book of photos of her during the weeks after her move to Valhalla. Perhaps doing that would comfort you.

Mountain Mama said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Out fluffy friends are members of our family and losing them is like losing a child.
I pray our Lord will comfort you.

Janet said...

I can't tell you how sad I am for you and your loss. There is really nothing to say except my thoughts are with you.


BClark said...

I am glad that in some small way I could help. It is amazing how much of our lives are impacted by our buddies. I remember all my pets, going way back. With the new dog Gretel, I keep calling her Elvira which was the last shepherd I lost. After losing Elvira and Duchess I really did not think I would get another dog, but then as you know Charlie showed up. Now the count is to 3 and Charlie has orders to not invite anyone else home with him!! Sending you peace and good memories.

Susan Freeman said...

I am so very, very sorry about your loss.

Much love,
Susan and Bentley

Nan said...

I'm so, so sorry about Beau and Violette. Each of us who loves our animals understands what you are going through.